Sending your precious child off to ‘big school’ is a big deal for any parent. When your child has SEN there is an added layer of complication and worry.
We were well on the way to getting a diagnosis and EHCP before H started school. We did the tour of local schools and spoke to the SENCOs about H’s needs. But I was still very anxious about this big transition.
H has very delayed speech and language and therefore cannot really express his needs, retell an account or share his opinions. His ASD makes him very passive outside of the home and my fear was that if he couldn’t tell the teacher what happened or what he needed then he may go without or be sad and not say.
A good gift
The group of children and parents in H’s class have been more supportive, kind and generous than I could have ever imagined. They are such a good gift to us from God.
We made the decision to tell our class parents about his diagnosis and needs from the start – it wouldn’t be long before they found out anyway! Primary school is a seven-year journey together and I wanted them to know they can always ask me questions. In turn, it’s been great when they’ve been able to explain to their children why H may be behaving differently to them.
Our start to school life has been relatively smooth and my heart goes out to those who don’t have that experience. H has been included, talked to and protected by his class peers. He has a glint in his eye when one of the girls comes and hugs him, holds his hand for phonics and joins in with his games. It’s really hard when H isn’t able to interact, say hello or goodbye to his peers or join in socially but it does make it even sweeter when he does!
One of the ways to change stereotypes of ASD is educating our children well. If you have a child in your class who has SEN or can be difficult then do always ask questions before judging. If you can be as generous, loving and kind as H’s class then your be onto a winner!
Amazing things happen…
One of the ways that we’ve helped our friends to understand more about Autism and why H behaves differently is by showing a little video. It’s great – so simple that it can explain what’s going on to children and adults alike. Please take 5 minutes to watch it now…